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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

and the Winners are!!!!

The winner of the Cradle Will Rock Dress is!!!!

Ang Alford!!!!!!!!

The winner of the gorgeous hat by Whitesuggar Creations Boutique is.......

Number #3!!!!!!!!!!
Elizabeth Baker Miller!!!!!

The Melissa Rae Clothing Boutique Dress winner is!!!!!!!

# 26!!!!!!!
Erin C. Noie

And the Winner for the Shake-Up Snow Designs Gifr Card is............

Tina M. Rose

And the winner of the A to Zebra Cebrations Cift Card is..........


Generations in Style

and the winner to Little Tickel Boutique.........

Kelly R. Andrus

and the winner for the Miss Coco Designs Gift Card is...........


 Bonnie Rodriguez

and the winner to Emmi Lee Designs is.......


Rebecka Lozano

And the Winner for the Le Elucian Bebe is...........


Amanda Gartner-Alvarez

And the last winner for the Bonus is!!!!!!


Shanna Uptergrove


1 comment:

Rae T. said...

Missed it by four!!! Congrats to the winner :)